Performing Arts Classes

Elite Training for Broadway. Led by a former Broadway Industry Performer.

Invicta Level Up Program

Beginning this Fall. Tuition Based Students ready to Level Up their Skills.

Spaces Limited.

Inquire Today to Enroll in the Fall Semester.

This Fall - It’s Back!

This Fall…Train for it.

Scroll Down for Class Descriptions.

Dance Foundations Class

Essential Technique Every Artist Needs

This class is for the artist who is ready to build and strengthen foundational dance technique. Students will improve foot articulation, essential alignment, upper body, and turnout rotation through a variety of exercises in ballet, jazz, and modern

This is an essential class whether you are a beginner, or advanced. Here we work to improve your foundational details to excel to your next best artist.

This is a great beginner level, entry technique course with us!

Dancers are Athletes:

Leaps and Stamina

Elite Training to increase your Skill Level.

Want to improve your Jumps, Leaps and Stamina? In this class, students work to progress their individual skillset!

Our Certified Personal Trainer and former Broadway Industry Performer combine forces to bring you real results, by not only teaching the coordination and technical aspects of the dance skill… but the strength, vertical explosion, and athletic endurance to execute them!

Dancers are Athletes:

Turns and Kicks

Elite Training to Increase your Skill Level.

Want to improve your turns, kicks and extensions? In this class, students work to progress their individual skillset!

Our Certified Personal Trainer and former Broadway Industry Performer combine forces to bring you real results by not only coaching the coordination, technical aspects of the dance skill… but the strength, mobility and flexibility to execute them!

Floor Barre

Build Technical Strength and a Strong Foundation.

Want to increase the height and turnout of your extensions? Want to strengthen and advance your ballet technique?

Floor Barre is progressive ballet training done on the floor in order to isolate alignment, strength, and range of motion. Whether you love or hate ballet, floor barre helps you work one piece of technique at a time and see optimal results.

Musical Theatre Dance

Choreography Retention, Style and Skill Application.

Two different Levels!

Students will master a variety of dance styles to Broadway songs. They will focus on the ability to pick up and retain choreography, apply movement quality and style variation, practice mastering dance skills within choreography, and lastly create individual performance as a character.

Those who consistently for 4-5 weeks of the same combo will be invited to film their hard work so they can use it for dance reels, social media, sharing with friends and family.

Beginner: Choreography will have introductory dance skills and styles. Great introductory class to develop confidence.

Advanced: Choreography will implement more challenging technical skills and steps. Great for dancers, and essential for students wanting to succeed in the college audition process or any dance call.

Musical Theatre Tap Technique

The Technique and Styles of Broadway Tap.

Divided into two different Classes!

Tap Technique: This class helps students develop the essential skills, sounds a rhythms seen in Broadway Tap Shows.

Tap Combo: This class allows students to develop these skills by learning Broadway Style tap combinations.

Those who come consistently over the span of a combinations 4-5 weeks will be invited to film their work so they can use it for dance reels, social media and sharing with friends and family!